Total Converter v1.0.1
- Wcx Plugin For TotalCommander program.
Plugin Is shell, starting console utilities of converting the files with
beforehand saved by adjustment.
First, configure the ctconv.xml and enter in new archive by pressing
Select result file and copy in some folder.
ctconv.xml - config file - wav2midi converter - amr2wav converter
What it does:
For instance you have a telephone, saving sound files in AMR format and console
program Converter. You may type a command:
Drive:\path\to\programm-converter\converter.exe amr2wav
source_file.amr result_file.wav
This enough asked command can present from itself difficulty at low-activity use since happens to to recall keys, correct sequences a source-result and on that, whether to add an extension.
But as this can look with the program lame.exe having as a result the kit of key --help several pages highly useful information.
On my glance a people use highly limited desksides of these programs in their
own purposes, possible save 2-3-10-50 kits of keys(profiles) for the program
and afterwards their use.
As A Result has appeared this plugin which allows on CTRL+PGDWN striking in the
file, with the extension determined in its config file. Inwardly, in the manner
of resulting names of files will be displayed the most varied profiles,
determined in same config file. There possible simply choose a necessary file
and copy in the necessary place. Plagin Will start in the hidden window a
program-converter with determined for this profile by keys and
program-converter convert a file in the necessary place.
Examples settings:
Version 2.0.0
2006-08-08 (fixed) long command line error.
2006-08-08 (+) added import-export of profiles.
2006-08-08 (+) added key LogDebug (description in
2006-08-08 (+) added key ShowConsole(description in
2006-08-08 (+) can viewe settings key.
2006-08-08 modified code.
Version 1.0.1
2006-06-14 (fixed) when a file having multiple dot (e.g.
Music.sound.ect.wav), its impossible to enter into it.
2006-05-26 (+added) a checking the mistakes
2006-05-25 (fixed) Not runing script files as: cscript script.vbs
2006-05-24 Version 1.0 released
+ Add indication of process of copying
+ Add an import-export of profiles.
+ Add an inquiry for the horse racing being absent Converter.
+ Add a suitable adjusting the profiles.
+ Add a checking a renovation of plugin and programs an Converter.